Digestive system of human & it function

What is the digestive system of human

Digestive system of human & it function

The digestive system of human energy required for all the processes and activities that take place in our bodies is derived from the foods we ingest. The digestive system of humans allows us to utilize food from such diverse sources as meat from an animal and the roots of a plant, and utilize them as an energy source. 

Whether it is the ability to coordinate the chewing of the food without injuring our tongue and lips or the propulsion of the food from the stomach into the duodenum while releasing the appropriate enzymes, our digestive system allows us to manage the process without much thought and often while performing other tasks.

 How the digestive system of human works or its function 

Digestive system of humans is nourished through the digestive system. In the digestive system, groups of organs work together and convert food into energy, which is essential for all the processes and activities that occur in the human body. 

The digestive process is in the gastrointestinal tract. It is a long, tubular structure that starts with the mouth and ends with the anus. This article deals with those organs that participate in the process of digestion.

Digestive systems that help in digestion are:


Digestion in humans starts with the mouth. The mouth cavity or the buccal cavity contains teeth, tongue and salivary glands. The tooth tastes food in small pieces, chewing and grinding it. 

Therefore, teeth help in physical digestion. The salivary glands found in our mouth form saliva and saliva is found in the food with the help of tongue. 

In human saliva, an enzyme is found, which is called salivary amylase. It digests the starch present in the food for sugar. Therefore, the digestion of starch or carbohydrate begins with the mouth. 

But food remains in the mouth for a very short period of time, therefore, The digestion of food in the mouth remains incomplete.


A diet consisting of a little digested means, through a hose, is reached in the stomach. The tubes of the food tube are muscles that can turn upside down and spread. 

When a slightly digested food reaches the food pipe, the walls become compressed and spread, and it is called peristaltic movement, and this peristaltic movement sends the food inside the stomach.


The food is brewed in the stomach for about three hours. During this time, the food breaks into small pieces and becomes a semi-solid paste. 

The glands present in the walls of the stomach secrete gastric juice and it contains three substances: hydrochloric acid, pepsin enzyme, and mucus. 

Due to the presence of hydrochloric acid, the food is of acidic nature and the pepsin enzyme initiates The digestion of proteins presents in the food to make very small particles. Therefore, digestion of the protein begins in the stomach.

Small Intestine

The small intestine is a long, thin tube. Whose diameter is 1 inch and is about 10 feet long. It is located on the lower side of the stomach. The food that comes out of the stomach is controlled by 'stomata plexus muscular sphincter muscle.

This muscle sends food in small quantities to the small intestine. Do you know that the small intestine is the largest part of the food pipe? In humans, the small intestine is the place of whole digestion i.e. carbohydrate, protein, and fat.

The small intestine receives two glands secretion: liver and pancreas. The liver secretes the bile. It usually lives in the gall bladder. Bile is alkaline helps in breaking food out of chemicals. It makes the food coming from the stomach acidic to the acid so that the pancreas can work on it. The pancreas is a large leaf-shaped gland that is parallel to the stomach and below it. 

The pancreas secretes the pancreas, which contains digestive enzymes such as pancreas amylase, trypsin, and lipase. Amylase breaks the starch, trypsin digests the proteins and the lipase breaks the chemically broken fat.

The glands present in the walls of the small intestine secrete intestinal juice. Intestinal juices contain many types of enzymes that make complex carbohydrates in glucose, protein in amino acids and full digestion in fatty acids and glycerol to fats.

Large Intestine 

The large intestine is a long, thick tube that is 2.5 inches in diameter and about 5 feet long. It is located on the lower side of the abdomen and is wrapped around the small intestine.

After digestion, the particles of food become small and reach through our small intestine through our blood.

 Blood carries digested and dissolved food to all parts of the body where it is incorporated into the form of a cell. 

Underpants food goes from the small intestine to the large intestine. The walls of the large intestine mostly absorb water from this food and make it solid. 

The last part of the large intestine, called Rectum, stores this unhealthy food for some time and in the end it turns out to be the form of stool from our body.


It is known for the production of insulin with blood sugar regulatory function. Digestive enzymes are secreted by the pancreas, which goes into the small intestine. These enzymes help digestion of fat, protein, and carbohydrate.


The livers have many functions, but two of its main function within the digestive system are to make and secrete bile and to cleanse and purify the blood coming from the small intestine containing the nutrients just absorbed. 


The gallbladder is a pear-shaped reservoir that sits just under the liver and stores bile. Bile is made in the liver then if it needs to be stored travels to the gallbladder through a channel called the cystic duct. 

During a meal, the gallbladder contracts, sending bile to the small intestine. Once the nutrients have been absorbed and the leftover liquid has passed through the small intestine, what is left of the food you ate is handed over to the large intestine. 


Sigmoid colon opens in the rectum. In which the stool collects. The last part of this is called the anal canal. It opens out by the anal (Anus). The rectum is an 8-inch chamber that connects the colon to the anus.

It is the rectum's job to receive stool from the colon, to let the person know that there is a stool to be evacuated and to hold the stool until evacuation happens. 


This is a hole by which the stool is discarded. They contain sphincter muscles. By which the control of the opening or opening of the anus punch is controlled. In this, there is an involuntary sphincter on the inner side and voluntary sphincter on the outside.

The anus is the last part of the digestive tract. It is a 2-inch long canal consisting of the pelvic floor muscles and the two anal sphincters (internal and external). The lining of the upper anus is specialized to detect rectal contents. It lets you know whether the contents are liquid, gas, or solid.


They sit at the junction of the small intestine and large intestine. It's a thin tube about four inches long. Normally the appendix sits in the lower right abdomen. 

The function of the appendix is unknown. One theory is that the appendix acts as a storehouse for good bacteria rebooting the digestive system after diarrheal illnesses. 

Other experts believe the appendix is just a useless remnant from our evolutionary past. The surgical removal of the appendix causes no observable health problem.

There are some best food that improves your digestion power



Yogurt is very beneficial for our digestive system and it contains typical by lactic acid bacteria which makes our digestive system very strong. There are good bacteria that we know as probiotics. 

Probiotics can help with digestive issues, such as bloating, constipation and diarrhea. They have also been shown to improve the digestion of lactose or milk sugar.  

Crores of bacteria are found in our gut and some of them, bacteria found in yogurt which is very beneficial for our digestive system.

Benefits of yogurt 

Benefits of yogurt

1.    Yogurt is found in the abundance of calcium which is very beneficial for bones. Eating yogurt strengthens teeth. Yogurt is also helpful in fighting diseases like osteoporosis.

2.    Applying yogurts on the face making the skin soft and the skin comes in color. If the face massage from the yogurt then it works like bleach. it is also used as a hair conditioner. 

3.    Consuming yogurt especially if it contains probiotic on a regular basis may strengthen your immune system and reduce your likelihood of contracting an illness.

4. Some people need to be cautious with their yogurt intake, as it may cause adverse effects, especially in those with lactose intolerance or a milk allergy  


Benefits of drinking tea

Fiber is found in a very high amount of tea. They work like a probiotic, supporting the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut and therein contributing to healthy digestion.

Benefits of drinking tea 

Benefits of drinking tea

Relieves from sleep 

There is a caffeine element inside the tea that activates the brain. Sleeping after drinking tea makes the person feel better.

Boost your energy 

By drinking tea our body gets energy Tea lowers cholesterol in the blood. The caffeine element stimulates the nervous system, which removes fatigue. After drinking tea feels freshness and strength. Laziness is far away.

Heart disease and heart attack

Drinking tea ends the fat and minerals deposited in the heart muscles. Drinking daily three cups of black or green tea reduces the risk of heart attack by up to 21%.


Benefits of drinking tea

The luscious tropical fruit papaya contains a digestive enzyme called pepsin. It assists during the digestive process by helping break down protein fibers. While not required in your diet, it can aid the digestion of protein. Pepsin may also ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome such as constipation and bloating.

Nutritional value of papaya

One small papaya contains 

Calories                            59 
Fiber                                 1.7 gm 
Protein                             1 gm 
Carbohydrate                11 gm 
Vitamin C                        157% of the RDI 
Vitamin A                         33% of the RDI 
Folate(vitamin B9)      14% of the RDI
Potassium                       11% of the RDI 
Sugar                                8 gm 
A trace amount of calcium, magnesium and vitamins B1, B3, B5, E, and K.

There are some benefits of papaya 

Benefits of papaya

Good for diabetics

Papaya is good for diabetes patients because it is papaya there is a very low amount of sugar content in papaya there is no restriction for diabetics to eat papaya.

Good for cancer 

Papaya is a rich source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, and flavonoids that prevent your cells from undergoing free radical damage. Some studies have also linked the consumption papaya to a reduced risk of colon and prostate cancer.

Prevent from a heart attack and heart disease 

 Papaya is rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants which prevent cholesterol build up in your arteries. If your body has too much cholesterol then it is not good for your heart health. 

Increase the immunity of disease 

Disease immunity is good, diseases stay away. Papaya caters to the demand of vitamin C for your body. If you eat papaya in some quantity every day, then you will lose you're the apprehension of getting sick.

Dark green vegetable 

Dark green vegetable
Green vegetables are an excellent source of insoluble fiber. This type of fiber adds bulk to your stool, quickening its pace through your digestive tract the green vegetable is also a good source of magnesium.

 which can help relieve constipation by improving muscle contractions in your gastrointestinal tract some of the most common dark green vegetables that provide these benefits are spinach brussels sprouts broccoli and other leafy greens.

Nutritional value of green vegetable:

Green vegetables provide the following nutritional benefits.

Iron                        15%
Magnesium            19%
Potassium               55 mg
Calcium                  9%
Calories                  23 gm 
Cholesterol            10 mg 
Dietary Fiber         2.2 gm 
Protein                   2.9gm 
Sugar                     0.4 gm 
Vitamin                 A 187%
Vitamin                 B-6 10% 
Vitamin                 C 46%

For healthy skin 

If you want healthy skin then you should eat green vegetable because in green vegetables abundant vitamin and minerals it helps to alleviate the skin-damaging factor.

In green vegetables contain a high content of water as well that will keep your skin moisture that preventing the onset of wrinkles, skin sagging.

For healthy hairs

Today, everybody is found the hair fall problem if people started consuming green vegetables then we can get rid of this problem. 

Because in dark green vegetables found in abundance vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and calcium. Which are beneficial for our scalp it makes our scalp strong due to which our hair does not fall.

Control high blood pressure 

Potassium found in green vegetables and fruits reduce high blood pressure by controlling the amount of salt in our body.

Daily consumption of salads and green vegetables helps in reducing hypertension. Therefore green vegetables and fruits should be consumed regularly.

Helps to maintain weak eyesight 

You weak eyesight is prone to further damage if you do not take precautions in this regard. Nutritionists suggest leafy green does not treat weak eyesight, but they can help to maintain their health. 

Apart from this potassium is one of those minerals that function to strengthen tissues present in your eyes. The condition will ultimately lead to delaying the onset of eye diseases like dry eyes night blindness and cataracts.

Helps to weight loss 

Moreover the dark green  vegetables contain the high content of water as well that will allow you to urinate and help to flush out toxins, chemicals, salt and excess fats. That is why nutritionists considered leafy greens an ideal option to lose weight.



Banana help restores normal bowel function especially if you have diarrhea say from too much alcohol and they restore electrolytes and potassium that may be lost due to runny stool. These fruits also have lots of fiber to aid digestion.

Banana provide a variety types vitamins and minerals 

  • Vitamins B6         0.5 mg
  • Vitamins C           9 mg 
  • Potassium           450 mg
  • Manganese          0.3 mg
  • Dietary fiber        3g
  • Protein                1g
  • Magnesium          34 mg
  • Folate                 25.0 mcg
  • Riboflavin            0.1 mg
  • Niacin                 0.8 mg
  • Vitamin              81 UI
  • Iron                   0.3 mg
  • Saturated fat      0.1gm

Benefits of banana 


High blood pressure 

Banana is the best fruit for high BP patient In banana, there is low sodium quantity excess sodium of blood pressure is exerted extra pressure on blood vessels.

They are a rich source of potassium if we eat hundred gram of banana it means we eat 358 gram of potassium a ripe banana gives us 50 gram per rat daily together with standard food pellets. 

It also helps in prevented high blood pressure. But make sure you consult your nutritionist or doctor before you add it to your diet. 

Helps to fight Anemia 

Banana contain numerous nutrients, among them, are iron, folic acid, and B12. These are exactly our body needs to fight anemia. 

You can even put some honey over the banana, as it can help in the absorption of iron, through its copper-rich content.

A good diet to weight loss 

Good diet to weight loss

If you are trying to lose your weight then bananas are the fruits for you because in banana they have a very high amount of fiber in banana and very low amount of calories in a banana. 

With numerous nutrients and the power to satiate your hunger for quite a while, this fruit is the perfect addition to your diet.

Trusted Source are also a good source of magnesium, which can help relieve constipation by improving muscle contractions in your gastrointestinal tract (34Trusted SourceTrusted SourceIn addition, a 2016 study revealed an unusual sugar found in green leafy vegetables that feeds good bacteria in your gut. This sugar is thought to aid digestion while also impairing some of the bad bacteria that can cause illnesses (36Trusted SourceTrusted SourceIt’s commonly used as the main enzyme in digestive supplements due to its gastrointestinal cap

Digestive system of human & it function Digestive system of human & it function Reviewed by Avanish Gupta on June 16, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. So I found you by googling digestive enzymes and gluten free! I've been gluten free for about a month and all the sudden started getting awful indegestion after eating certain meals. I became very frustrated thinking that all of my problems were suppose to go away and not get worse. I went gluten free because in have always felt bloated and a few years ago was diagnosed with IBS. Also my son has ADHD so I wanted to see if it would help his symptoms. Anyways, I got low fodmap diet plan and have felt much better! I couldn't seem to find any info on anyone else having some problems after going gluten free. It really eased my mind to find this! Thanks!!


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